Monday, September 15, 2014

Saturday Yard Work

Yesterday, I had 9 volunteers come down from Rocky Top, to the aid of this old man.  You see, I had a few medical things going on, plus some serious laziness, and let all his yard work go untouched the entire summer.  In this blog you will meet the volunteers, see the Before pics of the mess I had, and then the "After", of all the work they did.  Here goes:

 I have to first introduce you to the newest "Can Man" Mr. Purple and Gold.

These are the 9 volunteers, plus me in the back and a little boy who was visiting.  I think my math is bad
                You can't tell it from the picture but this is a hedge, a very tall hedge

                                The Chef  trims the sides as far as he can reach

 This hedge kind of got away from me in the last couple years.  It used to be a very cute little 4 foot hedge

Guke uses his 6 ft. height, a latter and an industrial size hedge clipper to finish the trimming job.  It's still the biggest hedge in the city
And here she sits in all her Majesty after a complete make-over
 Parked this bike beside the deck 3 years ago and we haven't rode it since. We did move it to cut down the monkey grass going wild against the deck. We moved the bird bath here to clean it up and paint it.  Didn't get it on our priority list the last couple years. Maybe this Fall we will get to it, ha, ha

This is the famous "Lucas Memorial Garden".  This is where we bury all broken tools, bowling balls, grabbers, and fish heads after fishing trips.

The Queen was assigned to bring the garden up to the highest standards of any Memorial garden

 After getting all the weeds out (see sidewalk), she called for her brother to help with the heavy mulch bags.

She cleaned and repainted all the head stones
 She then placed them all by the appropriate graves.  This garden means a lot to the guest of the "Can Man" Manufacturing Facility as guest roam around the property for hours after watching a Can Man Assembled.

What a great job the Queen did with all the freshly painted grave markers
                                         Almost complete and looking good

 After several flower beds were weeded, the weeds are placed in huge piles.  There were probably 8 to 10 more piles like these scattered around the yard

 As the Queen puts the finishing touches on a few more grave markers, Kicker gets the honor of picking up all the weed piles and hauling them out to the street.  Someone has to do the dirty work.

 Kicker also got the dirty job of cleaning up the Monkey Grass garden.  The monkey grass was so thick it was almost impossible to mow with the mower set on the highest cutting level.

 In one corner of the property was a weed and vine area that almost took the fence down.  Turned this project over to the Bean.

He first had to rake and clean out old fencing, pine cones, whiffle balls, all tangled in the mess.  Then, and only then, could he use a mower to cut it down to size.
In another corner of the yard is two black berry bushes surrounded by weeds, ants and honest to heaven, a Black Widow spider. The Chef built a wire frame that the blackberry bushes could climb on.  He weeded half of it until the ants got to him and the Black Widow spider showed up by his hand. He called it a day

 This is the side of the house which was really a mess.  We sent in a couple Junior Rangers to clear out any animals/critters who have made this their home here the past couple years

This was so typical of what happens to small shrubs (2x2) when they haven't been taken care of over a few years
Kicker trimmed up the small shrub, looks a lot better now

There were trees inside of trees and bushes as high as the bedroom windows.
Wow....looking good

 So a maximum amount of man/woman power was assigned to work the mess.  G-Mer held down the mulch bag as Fingers supervised the placements of Ground cover bags.  Ms. Hill Topper (the one bent over) places the bags and insures no dirt is showing.

I'm not sure, but this might be Fingers pruning this tree.  Remember please that "things appear much bigger in camera pictures, than they actually are".
 The weeds are almost gone so it's time to start mulching.  BTW, we used 22 bags of cedar mulch and could have used 7 more bags to finish the job.

 Ace picks up the weeds tossed out of the garden.  Remember the thing about camera pictures.

                                                So this was Before

                    This is After.   Clean as a whistle and ready for visitors

The crew has now moved to the front of the property

Lots of work needed here.  Before clean-up
After clean-up
Before clean-up
After clean-up

Before clean-up
After clean-up
                    So many people working, so hard, to wrap up the yard clean-up

What a vast improvement
                           Guke hiding from the work force

                As the Chef edges, Guke checks to see if everything is almost done.



 All Done
During the clean-up, Lifeguard had the responsibility of watching this little Tike

Can't thank you enough Crew for the effort you put forth in making the "Can Man" property ready to accept visitors
He is so proud of his yard now....Thanks Crew